We have developed the necessary structure to provide our services in the entire territory of Argentina.

We designed a system of joint work with an extensive network of correspondents in the provinces, where our law firm takes management control, keeping the technical responsibility and with whom we have strategic alliances and cooperation agreements.

Among others, our networking comprises:

Estudio Gómez Sanchís y Asociados. (Province of De Mendoza). 
Estudio Formaro, Huarte, González, Fazzolari & Martín (Provinces of Neuquen and Rio Negro)
Estudio Garrote. (Provincesof Santa Fe and Entre Ríos).
Estudio Sánchez Ejarque Abogados (Provincies of San Juan and San Luis)
Estudio Courel & Asociados. (Province of Tucuman).
Estudio Ferreyra de las Casas Abogados. (Provinces of Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego).

Also, Amato & Castro Abogados is associated with Italian law firm Spaggiari, Molina, Zublena & Partners, which is present in Modena, Rome, Messina and nexus of our law firm in China through the prestigious society Konosko Investment Consulting & Services Co. Ltd. based in Shanghai. This alliance allows us to offer our domestic and foreign customers first class services, adequately supporting the development of projects to expand into the Chinese market.

Estudio juridico. Estudio de Abogados. Legales. Legal. Asesoramiernto Juridico. Estudio Juridico Argentina. Abogados en Argentina Hernan Castro. Hernan Facundo Castro. Laura Lorena Amato. Laura Amato. Derecho Laboral. AyC Abogados. Letrados. Auditoria Legal a Proveedores