We advise, orientate, and represent companies and / or individuals in relation to the entertainment, culture and sports industries, safeguarding their rights. We have extensive experience in the design of contractual structures related to the sports field locally and internationally. Our expertise in the integration of legal relations in the context of advertising, producing and directing of films and sport-related, allow us to provide comprehensive advice aimed to achieve structures intangible for assets protection, including those made to through Internet.

Estudio juridico. Estudio de Abogados. Legales. Legal. Asesoramiernto Juridico. Estudio Juridico Argentina. Abogados en Argentina Hernan Castro. Hernan Facundo Castro. Laura Lorena Amato. Laura Amato. Derecho Laboral. AyC Abogados. Letrados. Auditoria Legal a Proveedores.